Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Political Video Tuesday - Hillary Goes Negative

I try to limit myself to posting videos that are either a) really clever or b) Internet -related. Those descriptions don't really cover this particular clip, but in honor of tonight's Wisconsin primaries, I'll let it slide.

An interesting choice for attack. Clearly, Clinton hasn't yet fuly embraced the negative, because this ad's pretty tame. Personally, I think Obama's smart for not agreeing to a debate that would essentially be free publicity for a Clinton campaign whose money troubles are well-publicized. Time will tell whether or not the voters of Wisconsin agree.

EDIT: They do not. It's Wednesday morning in America, and Wisconsin likes Obama. CNN reports that the Illinois senator won across almost every demographic group. It's looking increasingly likely that Clinton's only really option is to go fiercely negative in the upcoming states and debates, but even that might not be enough. Then again, this is the same woman who described this political negativity as "the fun part", so I'll hold off on predictions for now.

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