Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Political Video Tuesday: John.He.Is

As TechPresident's Joshua Levy pointed out yesterday, this next video is so meta, it hurts. And I love it.

I'm telling you, man. It's all about user-generated content. I mean, name the last memorable online political video or advertisement you saw that was paid for or developed by a campaign itself? The Mike Huckabee/Chuck Norris video comes to mind, I guess, but that was memorable precisely because it played upon the DIY/meme culture inherent to the Internet. Other than that, though, nothing comes to mind.

Certainly, people have tried. You might've seen "Hillary and the Band", Hillary Clinton's grab at the youth vote from a few weeks ago. It has all the hallmarks of what the kids like, right? Ironic Photoshopping! Rock and Roll! The Blogs! Right. It's about as inspiring and/or entertaining as it sounds. Witness:

Clearly, strategists and campaigns have witnessed the power of the Internet as a content delivery system. Why they haven't been able to replicate the success found by other, independent sources is a question whose answer is going to make someone very rich someday. My guess? It all goes back to authenticity. Commercialization be damned, the Internet is still a populist place. Netizens (*cringe*) have finely tuned bullshit meters, and can sniff out pandering from miles away. Huckabee's video worked because his campaign demonstrated familiarity with this fact and decided to play along. Clinton's video failed because hers didn't.


Rebecca Lydia said...

fudge yes! this was delicious. obmama's video makes me cry tears of hope... because we (the united states) need him for our sanity. and as much as i don't hate mccain this video made me laugh.

sigh, thank you internet.

love, beck

Rebecca Lydia said...

shoot, i spelled Obama wrong, fudge again!

love, beck